Friday 11 November 2011

Thursday 10 November 2011


Luckily I am armed with a cup of tea and the T.V in the background to keep me going! But I'm done with these UV's.

I'll sleep when I'm dead!!!

Last few days have been really productive and have finished all the tweaking and refinements to my mesh and added in all those important little details without going too crazy! Now onto the un-wrapping,  going to keep the pace up to finish this!!!

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Tweaking here, there and everywhere

Need to sort out those brake handles as they are way to big! Oh and it would be nice if the PC's I'm working on actually didn't lie about saving my work and actually saved it, ARGGHHH!!!! Lost a good few hours so headphones and sign up saying I'm not in ;)

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Right lets get a move on!

Right did quite a bit of work since my last post! I've tidied the mesh up around the main body of the vespa and put in more of the blockier shapes to get it looking like a bike and less like a floating thingy!